Intelligent Non-Invasive Electric Actuator

Intelligent Non-Invasive Electric Actuator
1.Product Profile
JDFZ-a-ointelligent non-invasive electric actuatoris anew generation product developed by adopting themostadvanced and the latest control technology and an intelligentproduct combinedwith manylatestautomatic control techn-ologyandadvanced manufacturing technology,such asabsolute encoder technology,sensor technology,buscontroltechnology,infra-red remote control technology,LCD,mag-netic switch etc.
JDFZ-a-o series product is a kind of device used tocontroloperationof the finalcontrol elements (i.e.valve)intheopen loop control systemandis applicable forcontrollingshutoff valve,sluice valve,throttle valve,water gate,ballvalve,butterfly valve andair door etc.

1.1 Featuresof theactuator
●Non-invasive design,simple and direct commissioning
●Chinese andEnglishareavailablefor operation interface
● Slowvalve closing function
● Self-diagnosis andself-adaptation function
●Level of protection:IP67
●Accurate and reliable stroke andtorquemeasurement
● Password lockat control state
● Overall datarecord
●Automatic phase correction function
●Motor overheat protection


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